The Sportsman Smoke Signal is a high quality smoke grenade designed for use by the serious outdoorsman. Coated in wax for extended shelf life and water resistance, this smoke signal is ideal for hikers, hunters, survivalists, preppers, or any other outdoorsman. The Sportsman is also perfect for the serious paintball or airsoft player looking for a strategic advantage, even in adverse weather conditions. The Sportsman is designed to be compact and easy to use, but with an impressive output of 20,000 cubic feet of dense white smoke that can persist for over 20 minutes and be seen for miles.
Product Features
- Pull ring igniter
- Thick smoke, long hang time
- Easy to handle and carry
- Durable and water resistant
- White smoke highly visible against
wooded background
- Biodegradable
- "Cool burning" Non-Pyrotechnic Smoke
- Made in the USA
Product Specs
- Fire Mechanism: Pull-ring
- Smoke Output: 20,000 cu ft
- Duration: 1-2 min
- Dimensions: 3"×1.5"
- Weight (lb): .22
- Case qty: 49
Product Applications
- Rescue / distress signal
- Ideal for hikers, hunters, aviators, mountain climbers, canoeists, etc
- Signaling: ranger towers, planes, other members of party
- Diversion, and concealment
- Great for survivalists, preppers, and any serious outdoorsman
- Paintball / Airsoft
- Flush animals from burrows

Why go with the Sportsman Smoke Grenade?
Wax Coating
The Sportsman Smoke Grenade has a lot of great features, but one distinct advantage over the rest: a wax coating. The wax coating serves several purposes: First, it gives the Sportsman a notably longer shelf life as the wax provides long term protection from moisture. It is still important to store all smoke grenades property but this extra layer of protection helps. Second, The wax provides water resistance in the field. Hikers, preppers, or anyone who is in the bush will not have to worry about damaging their smoke grenade due to the elements.
Compact Design
The Sportsman is probably he most compact pull-ring smoke grenade on the market, and definitely the highest output smoke grenade of its size. The Sportsman's compact construction is of great benefit to people who need a grenade with big smoke output, without taking up too much space. This makes the Sportsman Smoke Grenade the perfect choice for your hiking bag, bug out bag, or survival inventory.